Laundry Technology

Laundry Technology

Laundry technology - Clean laundry from renewable energies


At first you might think that the Heizomat and laundry technology don't really go together. That is a mistake! The combination of a Heizomat wood chip heating system with industrial washing machines and dryers makes a lot of sense and is economical.

Existing hot water is used - in addition to classic hot water preparation - for direct feeding into the washing machine and dryer. As a result, the expensive electrical energy is only required for controlling and driving the laundry equipment and not for heating cold water. This guarantees massive cost savings!

This clever combination is suitable for all sectors and can be used for industry, agriculture, hotels as well as for trade and retirement homes - and the production of hot water is wood-based and therefore sustainable and of course CO²-neutral.

With a Heizomat wood chip heating system, you can generate the 30° flow temperature for underfloor heating in gastronomy - the 50° for use in hotel rooms - 70° for the SPA area and the required 90° for laundry technology with just one system .

HEIZOMAT already uses this combination to wash the work clothes of the employees economically and with high cost savings directly in the company. Our professional cooperation partner for this is the company Gottlob STAHL Wäschereimaschinenbau GmbH.

Feel free to come by, take a look at our innovative concept and see for yourself.

You can get more information about this from our highly trained staff or from STAHL GmbH.

Meet the family...

We develop and produce fully automatic wood heating systems, professional wood chipping machines and more for the sustainable use of domestic resources.

Once the trees have been felled, the raw material must be processed quickly. For optimal value, this also applies to small wood, tree tops and wood waste.

All aspects are considered with regard to environmentally friendly heating with woodchips - including the efficient transport of the woodchips into the bunker.

Heizotruck power packs solve even the most demanding tasks, whether in the forest or in the field. We have models for forestry and agricultural use on offer.

Heating cost calculator

Heating Cost Calculator /

With our fully automatic wood chip and biomass combustion systems, you can heat in a way that is environmentally friendly and in balance with our local nature.

Our philosophy

Heizomat - The Company /

We make our products exclusively in Germany. This means that we can have our products manufactured at the highest technical level by very qualified specialists.

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On this site you will find some interesting references from works representatives, partners, authorities and others who are connected to the world of Heizomat.

Jobs & Careers

Heizomat Jobs and Careers /

Heizomat is an international company with a worldwide customer base. Join our team of professionals for innovative energy solutions and heating systems.

The wood chip cycle

The Wood Chip Cycle /

Our business is pure resource efficiency and regionality. Heizomat promotes an environmentally-friendly wood chip cycle & is itself part of this concept.

The Heidenheim site

The Heidenheim site /

The increasing demand for wood chip heating & innovative energy solutions was the initiator for our second site in Germany, the location Heidenheim in Bavaria.