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Simply unique - simply Heizomat
Our customers know about the added value that a Heizomat system delivers. Innovative technology and robust construction are the things that set our "Made in Germany" products apart from the crowd. We’ve been revolutionizing automatic heating with wood like no-one else for decades, incorporating pioneering technology with patents such as the chain discharge or parallel guidance that make your wood-burning stove a real Heizomat.
Clean combustion with the lowest emission values
Thanks to their clean combustion, you can, for example, operate our heaters using class A1 and A2 wood chips but also with B1 wood chips, i.e., wood chips from thinning wood. With the lowest emission values, our Heizoclean EF 185 particle separator is an ecological showcase product and last, but not least, Heizocontrol regulates your system 365 days a year, around the clock, safely and it is based on an industrial controller from Siemens.
Find out everything about Heizomat added value here! Applied science, innovation & service for the ecological and sustainable heating technology of the future.
Unique to Heizomat
Patented chain ash discharge
Resulting foreign bodies are transported out of the combustion chamber during combustion
Patented chain ash discharge
Wood chips are more than just a CO2-neutral fuel: they are a biomass that constantly grows anew in our forests, exposed to the conditions of the respective location.
No two woods are the same; if it stands on stony rock, it behaves differently when burned than fuel that comes from woodland of from a roadside green. Bark and earth, also collected during chopping, make thermal recovery more difficult so, in order to supply our customers with a system that can withstand these adversities, we invented the chain discharge system. Thanks to this, we are able to transport in the most efficient way possible, the slag that arises from the combustion chamber - and the customer receives a real wood chip system, a Heizomat.

Industrial control
Our Heizocontrol family is based on solid technology from Siemens
Industrial control
Our Heizocontrol family is based on solid technology from Siemens and merges seamlessly into our robust andinnovative boiler technology. Anyone who buys a work tool today wants to work with it for many years without any problems.
We see our heating as a work tool that provides you with cozy warmth - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for heating and hot water. We build plants without compromise for a sustainable environment and function; and with our industrial control we give you security in function as well as longevity so that you have a wood chip system that really deserves the name, a Heizomat.
Patented room discharge system with parallel guidance
A real revolution inside
Patented room discharge system with parallel guidance
It's the little things that count and, even if many of our innovations are hardly visible on the outside, true revolutions are hidden inside. The patented parallel guide is hidden under our pressure plate, invisible to the viewer but with an enormous effect on the discharge system. Due to parallel guidance, the swing energy of the articulated arm is cushioned when the fuel is placed on the chain or auger. In a normal system, the arm deflects and generates vibrations on the delivery system. Not so with us; the second arm absorbs the swing energy and brakes the first arm meaning that the bunker empties evenly and the discharge system no longer receives any vibrations. This gives you a gentle discharge system for a real wood chip system - a Heizomat.
Revolutionary chain discharge - patented
Our chain discharge is unique
Revolutionary chain discharge - patented
The chain discharge is unique. In the case of the screw, the fuel is transported to the furnace through the rotation and, of course, the fuel also rotates and creates a resistance between the screw blade and the channel. This leads to wear and tear, as well as noise and requires more power in the form of electrical energy. With the chain discharge we have found a solution to these attritional factors. The chain pushes the fuel forward effortlessly and has minimal wear and tear, as well as significantly reduced noise while also saving energy! A discharge system for a real wood chip plant; a discharge for a Heizomat.
Large-volume horizontal heat exchangers
Large-volume design of the heat exchanger tubes
Large-volume horizontal heat exchangers
The first systems we built were built like any conventional boiler. But consider this, why would you build stationary trains? We know that heat rises and so we have thus moved the heat exchanger and we now use natural buoyancy.
Due to the large-volume design of the heat exchanger pipes and the installation of the turbulator screws, the energy is transferred optimally to the boiler water with the maximum efficiency possible, even after years of action.
While standing, small-volume heat exchangers have to be serviced time and again, even with constant mechanical cleaning; whereas our system is maintenance-free. A heat exchanger system for a real wood chip boiler, a Heizomat.
Best emissions technology
Lowest emission values with the particle separator Heizoclean EF185
Best emissions technology
‘Energy in the cycle of nature’, that’s our slogan and in order to do justice to it, we always bear this in mind nature when developing our systems. With our specially developed Heizoclean EF185 particle separator, we have created the possibility of achieving the lowest emission values, even with fuels such as B1. The electrostatic separator charges the dust particles in the exhaust gas and separates them reliably at up to 82%, just as it should be for a real wood chip system. A Heizomat.
Meet the family...
Once the trees have been felled, the raw material must be processed quickly. For optimal value, this also applies to small wood, tree tops and wood waste.
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The Heidenheim site
The increasing demand for wood chip heating & innovative energy solutions was the initiator for our second site in Germany, the location Heidenheim in Bavaria.
Recommended Links
On this site you will find some interesting references from works representatives, partners, authorities and others who are connected to the world of Heizomat.
The Maicha site
Around 130 qualified employees manufacture our Heizomat wood chip and biomass heating systems and wood chipper machines in our main site in Maicha, Bavaria.
Jobs & Careers
Heizomat is an international company with a worldwide customer base. Join our team of professionals for innovative energy solutions and heating systems.
Heating cost calculator
With our fully automatic wood chip and biomass combustion systems, you can heat in a way that is environmentally friendly and in balance with our local nature.
Our philosophy
We make our products exclusively in Germany. This means that we can have our products manufactured at the highest technical level by very qualified specialists.