Heizomat - product overview

Heizomat - product overview

Heizomat - product overview

Discover the entire Heizomat product world here as we present each product to you comprehensively via detailed descriptions with text, images, technical data and product information sheets for downloading. Further service functions are the digital catalog and a product request directly via an electronic form for the respective Heizomat device.

In this section you can also get to know our RHK-AK biomass firing systems up to 990 kW. This boiler series was specially developed for the use of inferior class B1 wood chips, pellets and industrial waste such as residual wood from one-way pallets. We also present all models of the HSK-RA boiler series up to 200 kW. These have a wood chip, pellet and chip boiler. Other Heizomat products that you can find here on our websites are, for example, discharge chains, particle separators and Heizocontrol monitoring tools as well as our complete container solutions.

Heizomat RHK-AK

RHK-AK Biomasse-Feuerungsanlagen /

The RHK-AK boiler series has been specially developed to use low-grade B1 wood chips, pellets and industrial waste such as waste wood from disposable pallets. Thanks to the heart-shaped incinerator, the RHK-AK achieves the lowest emission values with optimal efficiency.

Heizomat HSK-RA

HSK-RA Hackschnitzel-, Pellets- und Späneheizkessel /

The all-rounder among wood chip boilers is the Heizomat HSK-RA. This boiler type with complete cladding is characterised by its high effectiveness, its robust processing, best emission values and simple use.

Discharger technology

Heizomat - Austragungssysteme /

It was only this technology, developed by HEIZOMAT back in 1982, that made it possible to burn wood chips safely, fully automatically and conveniently. The agitator with loosening geometry guarantees trouble-free transportation of the heating material from the silo to the boiler system.

Emission technology

Hezomat Emissionstechnik /

With the HeizoClean EF 185 electrostatic particle separator you can use the future of filter technology in your Heizomat today. Along with the innovative control concept the EF 185 sets new standards in filter technology for biomass systems with its robust design, automatic cleaning and simple handling.

Complete solution

Heizomat Containersystem /

Whether it's heating containers for industry, heating modules for private use or technical rooms for the contractor. With our complete solutions, we offer you solutions from a single source.


Heizomat Regelungstechnik /

The Heizocontrol ET100 and ET200 offer sensational technology with self-explanatory menu navigation, together with our three decades of experience in heating with wood.


Heizopump (Wärmepumpentechnik) /

Heat pumps use the solar energy stored in the air and convert it into valuable heating energy. Like our wood chip heaters, our Heizopump family not only saves CO2 for our environment, but also makes you independent of fossil fuels.


Heizogreif - Greifzange für Stamm- und Wipfelholz /

Heizomat’s wood fuel tongs are ideal for transporting trunk and treetop wood as well as larger quantities of bushes and shrubs. The robust Heizogreif comes with sturdy prongs and claws and is made from the highest quality solid steel.


Heizoblock /

Heizoblock is a modular formwork system ideally suited for building inexpensive solid storage boxes, e.g. for storing wood chips. The variable shape of the formwork means there are no limits to design or size.

Meet the family...

Once the trees have been felled, the raw material must be processed quickly. For optimal value, this also applies to small wood, tree tops and wood waste.

All aspects are considered with regard to environmentally friendly heating with woodchips - including the efficient transport of the woodchips into the bunker.

Heizotruck power packs solve even the most demanding tasks, whether in the forest or in the field. We have models for forestry and agricultural use on offer.

Jobs & Careers

Heizomat Jobs and Careers /

Heizomat is an international company with a worldwide customer base. Join our team of professionals for innovative energy solutions and heating systems.

The wood chip cycle

The Wood Chip Cycle /

Our business is pure resource efficiency and regionality. Heizomat promotes an environmentally-friendly wood chip cycle & is itself part of this concept.

Our philosophy

Heizomat - The Company /

We make our products exclusively in Germany. This means that we can have our products manufactured at the highest technical level by very qualified specialists.

The Maicha site

The Maicha site /

Around 130 qualified employees manufacture our Heizomat wood chip and biomass heating systems and wood chipper machines in our main site in Maicha, Bavaria.

Recommended Links

Recommended Links from Heizomat /

On this site you will find some interesting references from works representatives, partners, authorities and others who are connected to the world of Heizomat.

The Heidenheim site

The Heidenheim site /

The increasing demand for wood chip heating & innovative energy solutions was the initiator for our second site in Germany, the location Heidenheim in Bavaria.