Full Automatic Wood Heating

CO2-neutral Heating Technology with energy in balance with nature

CO2-neutral Heating Technology for...

Welcome to Heizomat...

Energy in Balance with Nature!

In line with our mission statement, we develop and produce fully automatic wood heating systems, professional chippers, filling systems and devices for making sustainable use of our own national resources.

We have been providing solutions for private households, agriculture, industry, trade and local heating networks so they can use CO2-neutral heat and take the true path of the energy transition since 1982. A sustainable energy industry, environmental protection and local roots are important to us.

Heizomat stands for German quality. A robust design with the most sophisticated technical components, guaranteeing operation for generations. When developing our systems, the emphasis is on using waste wood. Treetops, thinnings and wood waste from pallets are available to customers. Wood chips in categories A1, A2 and B1 are a matter of course for us, as is size P45S.

Take the path to a true energy revolution and visit our website to see for yourself about products that have revolutionised the processing and heating of wood since Heizomat was founded.

We manufacture at two sites in Bavaria. You are welcome to visit after registering and we will give you exclusive insights into our production and our corporate philosophy.

Anyone who chooses Heizomat chooses Energy in Balance with Nature. For sophisticated technology from an innovative family-run company with over 250 employees and for sustainable use of our resources. This not only matters to us when the appliances and heating systems are being used on a daily basis. We also focus on sustainability in production and system components. The journey started in a garage and has taken us to being one of the leading companies in the renewable energy sector.

Why not reconsider - be CO2-neutral and use Energy in Balance with Nature.

Heizomat - Gerätebau + Energiesysteme GmbH

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This is how much you can save...

Wood chips and other wood-based fuels are unbeatable in terms of price and wood chips in particular have shown a stable price development over many years. Thanks to our Heizomat systems, cheaper wood chips from residual wood, greenery along the road and wood from thinning can also be used.

The energy prices for gas and oil, on the other hand, are quite different: they have recorded strong increases, especially in the period from 2000 to 2009. Because gas is linked to the oil price, the price of this energy source also rose faster than the actual production costs and, in addition, there are of course EEG surcharges in Germany.

Meet the family...

Once the trees have been felled, the raw material must be processed quickly. For optimal value, this also applies to small wood, tree tops and wood waste.

All aspects are considered with regard to environmentally friendly heating with woodchips - including the efficient transport of the woodchips into the bunker.

Heizotruck power packs solve even the most demanding tasks, whether in the forest or in the field. We have models for forestry and agricultural use on offer.

Jobs & Careers

Heizomat Jobs and Careers /

Heizomat is an international company with a worldwide customer base. Join our team of professionals for innovative energy solutions and heating systems.

Recommended Links

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On this site you will find some interesting references from works representatives, partners, authorities and others who are connected to the world of Heizomat.

Our philosophy

Heizomat - The Company /

We make our products exclusively in Germany. This means that we can have our products manufactured at the highest technical level by very qualified specialists.

The Heidenheim site

The Heidenheim site /

The increasing demand for wood chip heating & innovative energy solutions was the initiator for our second site in Germany, the location Heidenheim in Bavaria.

The wood chip cycle

The Wood Chip Cycle /

Our business is pure resource efficiency and regionality. Heizomat promotes an environmentally-friendly wood chip cycle & is itself part of this concept.

Heating cost calculator

Heating Cost Calculator /

With our fully automatic wood chip and biomass combustion systems, you can heat in a way that is environmentally friendly and in balance with our local nature.